SilicaHorse & SilicaDogs

How it works

Silicon in SilicaHorse, what does that do for your horse?

Many of the major complaints in horses are related to hooves and joints. This is often a result of a shortage of silicon (e.g. crumbled hooves, crack in the horn wall) or a consequence of an inflammation caused by bacteria / fungi (e.g. rock jet, white line desease). Below is discussed the effect of SilicaHorse (silicon) and Anti-rotstraal (bacteria). Later, for the more interested reader, the mineral silicon and the effect of silicon on the human and animal body are discussed in detail.

Silicon and the body

The first signs of a shortage of silicon are usually found in the skin, hair (read fur in horses) and nails (read hooves in horses). The skin and hair lose their strength and elasticity and nails become crumbly and fragile. These symptoms often occur in the elderly, because the concentration of silicon in the blood decreases as the years increase.
The supplementation of silicon-containing food nullifies this effect and hair, skin and nails will visibly improve.

Silicon in combination with Moringa

For some time now, with the purchase of SilicaHorse, a bag of Moringa powder has been included for free. This combination is unique. Silicon is a mineral that particularly contributes to supple joints and healthy hooves. In addition, a horse requires a range of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids, and under specific circumstances, proteins as well. Moringa provides a very useful supplement to your horse’s diet in delivering these essential components. It is known, for instance, that laminitis resulting from hoof inflammation is partly due to a deficiency in proteins, minerals, and vitamins.

One specific property of silicon is its function as a transport medium. In other words, it ensures optimal transportation of the components in the Moringa powder.

Furthermore, the neurotransmitter L-tryptophan in Moringa is an extremely useful addition to your horse’s diet. It plays a significant role in managing stress and the mood of your horse. As a result, your horse becomes calmer less nervous, and skittish.


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