Jan van de Kuilen
SilicaHorse is being used by many farriers. One of them is Jan van de Kuilen, graduated (orthopedic) farrier and already active for 22 years. By nature, Jan is not easily being convinced, but he was quickly impressed by SilicaHorse. SilicaHorse asked Jan how he came into contact with this product. Jan: “I discovered it by Jessica van der Veen, a customer of mine. She was using it for her horses. I did not know that, but for a long time I was surprised that her animals showed a nice hoof growth and had strong hoofwalls. I found that very striking”.
Solving severe hoof problems
Jan asks Jessica if he can try SilicaHorse on a horse that has extremely bad hoofs. One foot was completely decoupled. Jan continues: “The animal had been treated for some time by a well-known veterinary clinic and recovered steadily. However, that went too slow. I wanted to speed up the healing process”. The farrier gives SilicaHorse to the animal for a couple of weeks and, to his surprise, he also sees here a quick result.
It really works
“Obviously, as a farrier, I come in contact with health products for horses and ponies. The one more promising than the other. But SilicaHorse … .. that really made a deep impression to me: it really works. “Jan is now using it on a regular basis on other horses, and the results are amazing every time. According to the farrier, SilicaHorse is the solution to help horses and ponies staying healthy in a natural way.
It takes only little to have a good result
“Every farrier should recommend it to horses with bad hoofs” Jan continues enthusiastically, “and in cases of hoof inflamation, navicular syndrome and hoofwal separation. Once a day 1.5 ml SilicaHorse per 100 kg horse weight is sufficient. It improves the hoof- and joints structure. I’ve gained that experience now with very different horses. ”
We already knew, but now we are sure: Professionals choose SilicaHorse!