Strong hooves
Whether on sports, leisure or breedinghorse, you want your horse to move smoothly, on strong hooves and a good overall health. Therefore you make for a clean stable, sufficient exercise and optimal hoof care.
Prevent hoof problems
Unfortunately your horse or pony usually gets to little Silicon by changing dietary patterns and biological soil processes. A necessary mineral, essential for healthy hooves, bones, joints and coat. Silica horse is a nutritional supplement with liquid silicon. Not only good for the hooves but also for the overall condition of your horse or pony.
Fast results
Silica horse is a bio-absorbable form of Silicon. That makes the mineral balance of your horse or pony. This keeps it naturally in excellent condition. The positive effects on the hooves brand you already after 8 to 12 weeks, both the young and mature animal. Silicon is essential for the health of your horse or pony. Therefore, use Silica Horse! Read all about it on this website.
Know more?
Have fun and thank you for your visit to our website. If you want to know more or would you like to ask a question to one of our farriers, please contact us. We will answer all your questions relating to your horse or pony. Also check out our Facebook page, then keep you always up to date on all the latest news about SilicaHorse.